In AngularJS, a scope is an object that refers to the application model.
I am trying to call a method of second controller in first controller by using scope variable. This is a …
angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scopeI have this module routes: var mainModule = angular.module('lpConnect', []). config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider. when('/home', {template:…
javascript html angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-includeI am making a demo in which I am fetching data from the server after regular intervals of time using $…
javascript angularjs angularjs-scopeIm playing with AngularJS for the first time, and im struggling to use ng-include for my headers and footer. Here's …
javascript html angularjs angularjs-scopeI cannot seem to find a way to call a function on the parent scope from within a directive without …
angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scopeWithout using a service or constructing watchers in the parent controller, how would one give children states access to the …
javascript angularjs angularjs-scope angular-ui-routerI am asking this question because I am not quite clear on how to think of rootscope as a dependency …
angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope rootscopeHow can call a method defined in child scope from its parent scope? function ParentCntl() { // I want to call the $…
angularjs angularjs-scopeFor some reason the initialized value doesn't appear in the field, but the second field without the ng-pattern does work. …
javascript angularjs regex angularjs-scope angularjs-modelI have two controllers, one wrapped within another. Now I know the child scope inherits properties from the parent scope …
javascript angularjs angularjs-scope prototype angularjs-controller