I have got a resolve working on my routeprovider but I just return the promise so i don't know if its success or failure. This is what I have
.when('/items', {
templateUrl: 'views/items.html',
controller: 'ItemsCtrl',
resolve: {
resolvedData: function(Restangular) {
return Restangular.one('Items').get();
Now this does work but how do I detect success or failure. I could enter this in the resolve method, but what would I return in the success and failure. Remembering I need to have the item injected in my controller.
.when('/items', {
templateUrl: 'views/items.html',
controller: 'ItemsCtrl',
resolve: {
resolvedData: function(Restangular) {
Restangular.one('Items').get().then(function(data) {
// success
}, function() {
// failure
I did see an example here but I am confused if this is what I need and how to use it?
AngularJS - rejected $http promise with $routeProvider:resolve
It seems to be returning a manual promise.
resolve: {
response: ['Warranty'
function(Warranty, $q) {
var dfd = $q.defer();
Warranty.sendRequest().then(function(result) {
success: true,
result: result
}, function(error) {
success: false,
reason: error
return dfd.promise;
What I really want to do is in my controller have the resolved variable injected into the controller, if it fails then I would also like to have access to the failure in the controller so I can display to the user that it wasn't possible to render due to an issue.
You can just return the return value of the then
resolve: {
resolvedData: function(Restangular){
return Restangular.one('Items').get().then(function (data) {
return successData; // resolvedData will be resolved with the successData
}, function () {
return failureData; // resolvedData will be resolved with the failureData
The then
method doc:
This method returns a new promise which is resolved or rejected via the return value of the successCallback or errorCallback.