Top "Angularjs-routing" questions

Use for ngRoute, the built-in routing module in AngularJS, which can map the browser URL to a defined route.

Implementing Dynamic Routing in Angular2 (Typescript)

RouteConfig class which can be used to decorate a component (@RouteConfig) with routing capabilities has certain route definitions defined for …

typescript angular angularjs-routing angular2-routing angular2-template
AngularJS redirect without pushing a history state

I'm working on an AngularJS app that has a catch all route (eg, .when('/:slug', {...)) which is necessary to …

angularjs angularjs-routing
anchor href linking with angular routes

I use angular routing between multiple views and try to populate a common breadcrumb list on each route change. This …

javascript angularjs href angularjs-routing
AngularJS ngRoute and PHP $_SESSION variables

I have 3 pages: index.php login.php display.php index.php Sets up AngularJS using the ngRoute module to navigate …

php angularjs session angularjs-routing ngroute
Assign multiple controller in $stateProvider.state

Probably this is an easy question for advanced angular users, but I did not find this issue somewhere well explained. …

angularjs angularjs-routing angularjs-controller angular-routing
what is the purpose of use abstract state?

I am working on my tutorial AngularUI project. I read all about states, nested states and abstract states. The problem …

angularjs routing angular-ui-router single-page-application angularjs-routing
Cancel route and redirect to other route without displaying the original content in AngularJS

I want to check an http services to see if a user is authenticated and if it has permission to …

angularjs angularjs-routing
angularjs maintain the scope variable across routes

How do I maintain the model across routes. for eg I have a list of profiles loaded onto the home …

angularjs angularjs-scope angularjs-service angularjs-routing ngroute
Angularjs Nested states: 3 level

I am using Agnularjs and Ionic Framework. I am trying to achieve a nested states, which looks like below, Eventmenu(…

angularjs angularjs-routing ionic-framework
Module 'ngRoute' is not available

I have linked the script in my index.html, and referenced it in app.js, but I keep getting the …

javascript angularjs dependency-injection angularjs-routing