Top "Angular2-routing" questions

Angular Routing is a built-in feature that enables you to create a Single Page Application (SPA) user interface, where users can navigate to different views without having to reload the entire page from the server every time.

How to get current route

The current docs only talk about getting route params, not the actual route segments. For example, if i want to …

angular angular2-routing
How to go back last page

Is there a smart way to go back last page in Angular 2? Something like this._router.navigate(LASTPAGE); For example, …

angular angular2-routing
Angular 2 - How to navigate to another route using this.router.parent.navigate('/about')?

Angular 2 - How to navigate to another route using this.router.parent.navigate('/about'). It doesnt seem to work. …

angular typescript angular2-routing
How to redirect to an external URL in Angular2?

What is the method for redirecting the user to a completely external URL in Angular 2. For example, if I need …

redirect angular angular2-routing
How to reload page the page with pagination in Angular 2?

How can I reload the current page on Angular 2? if iam in page 2 (pagination) and refresh the page it will …

angular refresh angular2-routing reload page-refresh
In Angular, how do you determine the active route?

NOTE: There are many different answers here, and most have been valid at one time or another. The fact is …

javascript typescript angular angular2-routing
Angular redirect to login page

I come from the Asp.Net MVC world where users trying to access a page they are not authorized are …

login typescript angular angular2-routing
How to pass a parameter to routerLink that is somewhere inside the URL?

I know I can pass a parameter to routerLink for routes such as /user/:id by writing [routerLink]="['/user', …

angular angular2-routing angular2-router3
Angular 2: 404 error occur when I refresh through the browser

I'm new to Angular 2. I have stored my single-page application in my server within a folder named as "myapp". I …

angular angular2-routing
'router-outlet' is not a known element

I have a mvc 5 project with a angular frontend . I wanted to add routing as described in this tutorial https://…

angular typescript angular2-routing