Top "Angular2-routing" questions

Angular Routing is a built-in feature that enables you to create a Single Page Application (SPA) user interface, where users can navigate to different views without having to reload the entire page from the server every time.

Pass parameter into route guard

I'm working on an app that has a lot of roles that I need to use guards to block nav …

angular typescript angular2-routing
Multiple canActivate guards all run when first fails

I have a route with two canActivate guards (AuthGuard and RoleGuard). The first (AuthGuard) checks to see if the user …

angular typescript routing angular2-routing
Unable to inject ActivatedRouteSnapshot

Injecting ActivatedRouteSnapshot into a component is not working (and neither is injecting ActivatedRoute). Here the stack trace: "Error: Can't resolve …

angular typescript angular2-routing
Angular2 routing / deep linking not working with Apache 404

I am following the Angular 2 routing examples. Using the "lite" webserver I am able to navigate from the root and …

angular angular2-routing
Get current route without parameters

I need to get my current route without params in Angular 2, I found a way to get the current route …

angular url angular2-routing angular2-router
Can't resolve all parameters for Router: (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) in Angular RC 5 when unit testing

I just upgraded to Angular RC 5 and now all component that uses 'ROUTER_DIRECTIVES' fails with 'Can't resolve all parameters …

javascript unit-testing angular typescript angular2-routing
How to call a function on every route change in angular2

My module.ts, import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { RouterModule,Router } from '@…

angular typescript angular2-routing
Navigating to the same route not refreshing the component?

I've upgraded to use the new Angular 2 router from router-deprecated and some behavior has changed. The page I'm having issues …

angular angular2-routing
Redirect to a different component inside @CanActivate in Angular2

Is there any way we can redirect to a different component from @CanActivate in Angular2 ?

angular angular2-routing
EmptyError: no elements in sequence

I'm upgrading my Angular2 app from 2.0.0 to 2.3.0, and I'm running into the following error. Any ideas as to why? I …

angular angular2-routing