Top "Angular2-routing" questions

Angular Routing is a built-in feature that enables you to create a Single Page Application (SPA) user interface, where users can navigate to different views without having to reload the entire page from the server every time.

Passing data into "router-outlet" child components

I've got a parent component that goes to the server and fetches an object: // parent component @Component({ selector : 'node-display', template : ` &…

angular dependency-injection angular2-routing
Angular 2 router event listener

How to listen state change in Angular 2 router? In Angular 1.x I used this event: $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(…

javascript angular typescript angular2-routing
How to redirect to an external URL from angular2 route without using component?

I would like to create an external redirect, but to make all routes consistent I think it would be nice …

javascript angular angular2-routing
How can I conditionally disable the routerLink attribute?

In my Angular 2 application I'm trying to disable a routerLink without any success. I've tried to handle the click event …

angular angular2-routing
Angular2 - 'router-outlet' is not a known element

I created routes with deep child paths. I added <router-outlet> to the AdminComponent component which I wrapped into …

angular angular2-routing
Warn user of unsaved changes before leaving page

I would like to warn users of unsaved changes before they leave a particular page of my angular 2 app. Normally …

angular angular2-routing
Angular 2 reload route on param change

I am currently writing my first Angular 2 Application. I have an OverviewComponent which has the following simple template: <div …

angular typescript angular2-routing
How to create a link to external URL in Angular 2

I am new to Angular. I am starting with ver. 2. I need to link to a file://... URL. I tried …

hyperlink angular external angular2-routing angular2-directives
How to set Bootstrap navbar "active" class in Angular 2?

How can I set Bootstrap navbar "active" class in Angular 2? I only found Angular 1 way. When I go to About …

twitter-bootstrap angular nav angular2-routing
Get route query params

I am trying to migrate from rc1 to rc4 and i have trouble getting query string parameters. ActivatedRoute object always …

typescript angular observable angular2-routing