Top "Angular2-routing" questions

Angular Routing is a built-in feature that enables you to create a Single Page Application (SPA) user interface, where users can navigate to different views without having to reload the entire page from the server every time.

Angular 2: Passing Data to Routes?

I am working on this angular2 project in which I am using ROUTER_DIRECTIVES to navigate from one component to …

javascript typescript angular angular2-routing
How to get parameter on Angular2 route in Angular way?

Route const appRoutes: Routes = [ { path: '', redirectTo: '/companies/unionbank', pathMatch: 'full'}, { path: 'companies/:bank', component: BanksComponent }, { path: '**', …

angular angular2-routing
RouterLink does not work

My routing in the angular2 apps works well. But i am going to make some routeLink based on this: Here …

angular angular2-routing
How to handle query parameters in angular 2

In my routable component I have @RouteConfig { {path: '/login', name: 'Login', component: LoginComponent} } But how do I get the …

javascript jquery angular angular2-routing
Angular2 multiple router-outlet in the same template

Is it possible to have multiple router-outlet in the same template? If yes then how to configure the routes? I …

angular angular2-routing angular2-template
Angular 2.0 router not working on reloading the browser

I am using Angular 2.0.0-alpha.30 version. When redirect to a different route, then refresh the browser , its showing Cannot GET /…

angular angular2-routing
Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: - Angular 2

I am new to angular2. I am trying to understand how to use multiple <router-outlets> in a particular …

angular angular2-routing
How to pass query parameters with a routerLink

I want to pass a query parameter prop=xxx. This didn't work <a [routerLink]="['/somepath', {queryParams: {prop: 'xxx'}}]&…

angular angular2-routing
Show loading screen when navigating between routes in Angular 2

How do I show a loading screen when I change a route in Angular 2?

html css angular angular2-routing
Passing Multiple route params in Angular2

Is it possible to pass multiple route params e.g. like below need to pass id1 and id2 to the …

angular angular2-routing