Top "Angularjs-routing" questions

Use for ngRoute, the built-in routing module in AngularJS, which can map the browser URL to a defined route.

Using grunt server, how can I redirect all requests to root url?

I am building my first Angular.js application and I'm using Yeoman. Yeoman uses Grunt to allow you to run …

node.js angularjs gruntjs yeoman angularjs-routing
How to check for the existence of a module without an error being raised?

In Angular 1.2, ngRoute is a separate module so you can use other community routers like ui.router instead. I'm writing …

angularjs angularjs-routing angularjs-module
AngularJS $routeChangeSuccess callback arguments

I'm new to AngularJS and am confused by the documentation regarding event listeners. The documentation lists the following for the $…

angularjs angularjs-routing
AngularJs routeProvider http status 403

I'm doing authentication and authorization in the server side. In angularJs I'm doing the routing using the routeProvider like this. $…

javascript security http-status-code-403 angularjs-routing
AngularJS UI Router $state reload child state only

I am using UI router for tabs of a main menu as well as for links within one of the …

angularjs angular-ui-router angularjs-routing
How to call a function in AngularJs when route matches?

$routeProvider.when('/ticket', { controller: TicketController, templateUrl: Routing.generate('ticket_list') }); displays a simple list where each entry is selectable. …

angularjs angularjs-routing
Using resolve in $routeProvider causes 'Unknown provider ...'

I am trying to do an asynchronous http request to load some data before my app loads and so I …

angularjs controller angularjs-routing route-provider
Force AngularJS to reload a route although option reloadOnSearch is set to false

In the route configuration of my AngularJS application most of the routes are defined with the option reloadOnSearch set to …

javascript angularjs angularjs-routing
URL from $routeChangeStart route params in angularjs routes

How would it be possible to get the URL hash fragment from route params in $routeChangeStart. $scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', …

angularjs angularjs-routing
How would I have ui-router go to an external link, such as

For example: $stateProvider .state('external', { url: '', }) url assumes that this is an internal state. I want …

angularjs routing angular-ui-router single-page-application angularjs-routing