Top "Android-design-library" questions

The Design package provides APIs to support adding material design components and patterns to your apps.

CoordinatorLayout with Toolbar and fragment

I'm using the layout below, The CoordinatorLayout holds inside it AppBarLayout (With Toolbar and TabLayout inside it) and a placeholder …

android android-fragments android-design-library android-coordinatorlayout android-appbarlayout
Set layout_anchor at runtime on FloatingActionButton

I am trying to animate a that is pinned to my AppBarLayout. I can set …

android android-support-library android-design-library android-coordinatorlayout android-support-design
Can't use fonts in my project: - "Error:Error: The file name must end with .xml"

I'm trying to add a font to my Android project, so I can use it via XML. Unfortunately, I'm getting …

android android-design-library android-debug android-fonts
CoordinatorLayout with two floating action buttons

I have two Fabs located inside a CoordinateLayout view. When I show a Snackbar, I expect the two Fabs go …

android android-support-library android-design-library android-coordinatorlayout android-snackbar
Error text in TextInputLayout is covered by keyboard

The TextInputLayout contains an EditText which in turn receives the input from the user. With TextInputLayout introduced with the Android …

android android-layout android-design-library androiddesignsupport android-textinputlayout
Hide floating button when collapsing toolbar is collapsed

I have a coordinator layout containing a collapsing toolbar, a nestedscrollview and a floating button. My floating button is placed …

android android-design-library android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
How to show unread notification counter on Tabs inside TabLayout?

I am using TabLayout of android support design library. I want to show unread notification counter on the tab with …

android tabs android-tabs android-design-library android-tablayout
How to handle issues of the new bottom sheet of the support/design library?

Background I've used a modified version of bottom-sheet library (here, based on this library, also wrote about it here), in …

android android-support-library android-design-library bottom-sheet
CollapsingToolbar not working with not-so-tall content

I'm pretty sure this is a bug, so I'm asking for a workaround. My layout is like: <CoordinatorLayout> &…

android android-support-library android-design-library androiddesignsupport