Top "Android-design-library" questions

The Design package provides APIs to support adding material design components and patterns to your apps.

Snackbar with API 21

I'm trying to implement the new Snackbars in my app but I can't. First of all I downloaded the zip …

java android material-design android-design-library android-snackbar
how to set unread notification count in NavigationView of DrawerLayout?

I have created one NavigationView inside DrawerLayout using Android Design Support Library < xmlns:android="…

android android-support-library drawerlayout android-design-library navigationview
How do I change an Android Snackbar's initial alignment from bottom to top?

The recent android library came out just a few days ago, but I would like to have the SnackBar appear …

android material-design android-design-library snackbar android-snackbar
Android - footer scrolls off screen when used in CoordinatorLayout

I have an AppBarLayout that scrolls off screen when scrolling a RecyclerView. Below the RecyclerView there is a RelativeLayout that …

android android-5.0-lollipop android-design-library android-coordinatorlayout
Snackbar action text color not changing

I want to change the action text color for my snackbar, but it is not working for some reason. I …

android colors android-design-library androiddesignsupport android-snackbar
Android cannot resolve Material Components

I am getting this error: Cannot resolve symbol '@style/Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.OutlineBox' I am getting this error after …

android xml android-appcompat android-design-library android-textinputlayout
CollapsingToolbarLayout setTitle() does not update unless collapsed

With the new Design Library, we're supposed to set the toolbar title on the CollapsingToolbarLayout, not the Toolbar itself(at …

android material-design android-toolbar android-design-library android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
How to reset the Toolbar position controlled by the CoordinatorLayout?

The app I'm working on consists of a Navigation Drawer which is implemented in an Activity. The activity layout is …

android navigation-drawer android-design-library androiddesignsupport
How to animate FloatingActionButton of new Design Support Library

I am using a TabLayout with 5 different fragments. On 3 of these fragments a should appear. …

android android-animation floating-action-button android-design-library
How to animate FloatingActionButton like in Google+ app for Android?

I set FloatingActionButton to bottom of screen and I want to animate the button. Hidden when scrolling down Shown when …

android android-animation material-design android-design-library floating-action-button