Top "Snackbar" questions

Snackbars provide lightweight feedback about an operation.

Display SnackBar in Flutter

I want to display a simple SnackBar inside Flutter's stateful widget. My application creates new instance of MaterialApp with a …

dart android-snackbar snackbar flutter
how to customize snackBar's layout?

Is there any method to change the layout of a snackBar to custom View? Now it comes black and we …

android android-layout android-custom-view android-snackbar snackbar
Scaffold.of() called with a context that does not contain a Scaffold

As you can see, my button is inside the Scaffold's body. But I get this exception: Scaffold.of() called with …

flutter scaffold snackbar
Bootstrap 4 snackbar / toast

I'm trying to create a snackbar / toast version with Bootstrap 4. I start with this tutorial from w3schools. Updated: I …

twitter-bootstrap notifications bootstrap-4 toast snackbar
Move snackbar above the bottom bar

I am facing some problems with new bottom bar. I can't force to move the snackbar above the bottom bar (…

android layout android-snackbar snackbar
How to set support library snackbar text color to something other than android:textColor?

So I've started using the new Snackbar in the Design Support Library, but I found that when you define "android:…

android android-support-library android-design-library android-snackbar snackbar
How to use setDuration() method in SnackBar (Android Design Support Library)

From Documentation: parameter duration - either be one of the predefined lengths: LENGTH_SHORT, LENGTH_LONG, or a custom duration …

android android-design-library snackbar
How can I be notified when a Snackbar has dismissed itself?

I'm using a Snackbar from the library. I'm using it to undo deletions. To make my …

android material-design android-design-library android-snackbar snackbar
How can you adjust Android SnackBar to a specific position on screen

Follwing the new android snackbar, i'm trying to set it to be positioned on a specific y coordinate. Its seems …

android android-view android-snackbar snackbar
How do I change an Android Snackbar's initial alignment from bottom to top?

The recent android library came out just a few days ago, but I would like to have the SnackBar appear …

android material-design android-design-library snackbar android-snackbar