Top "Android-design-library" questions

The Design package provides APIs to support adding material design components and patterns to your apps.

Bottom Sheet landscape issue

I'm getting an wrong behavior when showing an Bottom Sheet Dialog in landscape mode. The problem occurs in the 24.+ version …

android android-support-library android-design-library
Android Support BottomSheetBehavior additional anchored state

I have been using the AndroidSlidingUpPanel library in my app. With versions of the Android Design Support Library since 23.1.1, this …

android android-support-library android-design-library bottom-sheet
How to get the new NavigationView to play nice with status bar scrim?

I've been playing with Google's new design support library and it's a blast! I'm just a little stumped though on …

android material-design android-design-library androiddesignsupport
TextInputLayout passwordToggle with rounded corners

I'm using TextInputLayout from android design library version 25.1.1. With the following code: < xmlns:android="…

android android-layout xamarin android-design-library android-textinputlayout
ListView nested scrolling on API<21

Title is clear. I'm having this layout: _________________ |_______________| <- Toolbar |___|___|___|___| <- Tablayout | | | | | ViewPager | | | |_______________| Both toolbar and tablayout are inside …

android android-listview android-support-library android-design-library android-appbarlayout
How to fix the position of a view inside a ViewPager and CoordinatorLayout

I have an activity with the layout of: < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:…

android android-layout android-design-library android-coordinatorlayout coordinator-layout
Setting behaviour of Floating Action Button programmatically

I'm using the following guide to implement a scroll aware FAB: After creating …

android android-support-library android-design-library floating-action-button android-support-design
how to implement collapsing image view like Google IO 2015 App using Design Library

How to implement collapsing toolbar layout design like Google IO 2015 using Design Library In Open Source Code of Google IO 2015, …

android android-design-library android-collapsingtoolbarlayout googleio
RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView Android

Iam trying to place a RecyclerView inside a NestedScrollView. The problem is that if I place the RecyclerView inside a …

android android-recyclerview android-design-library nestedscrollview