Top "Android-design-library" questions

The Design package provides APIs to support adding material design components and patterns to your apps.

NestedScrollView and WebView height issue

I use new and I faced with issue. Here is my layout: <…

android android-design-library androiddesignsupport
How I can multiline the expanded title of CollapsingToolbarLayout?

My problem is the next. I would use relatively large texts as CollapsingToolbarLayout title so I need to show it …

android android-layout android-collapsingtoolbarlayout android-design-library
Don't collapse Toolbar when RecyclerView fits the screen

I've made an app using Android Design Library, with a Toolbar and TabLayout. Actually 2 tabs are present, both with 2 RecyclerView, …

android toolbar android-recyclerview android-appcompat android-design-library
Menu and Autohide FloatingActionButton of Android Design Support Library

I'm using Android Design Support Library and I want a FloatingActionButton that have AutoHide by Scrolling, my Layout is: <…

android material-design android-design-library floating-action-button
How can I add a shadow to bottom sheet view?

As of now, with the official bottom sheet component from the Android design library implemented the top edge doesn't show …

android android-layout android-design-library bottom-sheet
Stop scroll on CollapsingToolbarLayout so it doesn't completely collapse

I have a CollapsingToolbarLayout setup and im placing a wallpaper there. I want to be able to stop it from …

android android-design-library android-collapsingtoolbarlayout
Floating Action Button attached with anchor not hiding when scrolling RecyclerView items slow

I have the design provided at the bottom. The things I want to happen above the tabs layout: I want …

android android-design-library android-coordinatorlayout
Android SnackBar: error inflating SnackbarLayout

I wanted to try out the new Snackbar from the official design library provided by Google. Its usage is very …

android android-layout android-design-library snackbar
How to fix the Snackbar height and position?

On Android Support Library 24.1.1, the Snackbar was working fine: Then starting on Android Support Library 24.2.0 onwards, the Snackbar started to …

android android-support-library android-design-library android-snackbar
Custom theme interferes with snackbar background color

Trying out the new Design Support Library, I added a snackbar; but unlike its main background, the text area is …

android material-design android-design-library androiddesignsupport android-snackbar