Top "Android-canvas" questions

The Android Java Canvas (android.

Adding a colored background with text/icon under swiped row when using Android's RecyclerView

EDIT: The real problem was that my LinearLayout was wrapped in another layout, which caused the incorrect behavior. The accepted …

android android-layout android-canvas android-support-library android-recyclerview
Canvas - zooming in, shifting, and scaling on Android

I'm currently implementing a draw function on a webview image (the elephant below). I don't have a problem drawing on …

android android-canvas
Looking for an explanation of post/pre/set Translate (in Matrix object) and how to use them

The documentation is pretty vague as to what is actually happening when these methods are used. Can someone explain how …

android matrix bitmap android-canvas
Get Canvas coordinates after scaling up/down or dragging in android

I'm developing an application in which I'm pasting images, doing drawing and painting on canvas. This app can also Scale …

android position scaling android-canvas touch-event
Drawing an outer shadow when drawing an image

I currently create a rounded version of an image in my app by drawing to a canvas. I would like …

android android-canvas
Scrolling a Canvas smoothly in Android

I'm new to Android. I am drawing bitmaps, lines and shapes onto a Canvas inside the OnDraw(Canvas canvas) method …

android android-canvas smooth-scrolling
How to fill rectangle with opacity in android

I can fill rectangle with canvas draw rect: Rect rt = new Rect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); myPaint.setColor(myColor); myPaint.setStyle(Style.…

android android-canvas
Android BlurMaskFilter has no effect in canvas.drawOval while text is blurred

I've been trying to create a custom view which has blurred shapes under text. The problem is that the BlurMaskFilter …

android android-canvas android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich blur
PorterduffXfermode: Clear a section of a bitmap

The goal is to draw a bitmap and over the top of something, and draw shapes that ERASE the underlying …

java android bitmap android-canvas ondraw
SurfaceView flashes black on load

I have a drawing app that takes about 2-5 seconds to load the drawing for complicated drawings (done via an …

android surfaceview android-canvas