Top "Android-canvas" questions

The Android Java Canvas (android.

Canvas does not draw in Custom View

I created a Custom View CircleView like this: public class CircleView extends LinearLayout { Paint paint1; public CircleView(Context context) { super(…

android android-canvas android-custom-view
Android: Define onDraw Canvas Size

I've removed my old code now as it wasn't working as I intended. I was trying to use the onDraw …

android android-layout android-canvas ondraw
Slow App with Background image

I am making a small game for android. It is working smoothly when its working on a white background but …

android image background bitmap android-canvas
How to add a Marker/Pin on an ImageView Android?

I would like to ask on how to implement or add a marker on an imageView. I rendered an SVG …

java android imageview android-canvas marker
Save canvas then restore, why is that?

I often see the following code canvas translate or rotate some drawing canvas.restore I don't understand why …

android android-canvas
VectorDrawable: How to position it on canvas?

For my custom view: MyCustomView extends View I made a VectorDrawable mMyVectorDrawable = VectorDrawableCompat.create(getContext().getResources(), R.drawable.ic_some_…

android android-canvas android-vectordrawable
android fast pixel access and manipulation

I'm trying to port an emulator that i have written in java to android. Things have been going nicely, I …

android image android-canvas draw pixel
How to rotate a rectangle drawn on canvas in Android?

I am drawing a text on android canvas using the following piece of code Rect rect = new Rect(); paint.getTextBounds(…

android rotation android-canvas draw rect
Getting Bitmap from Custom SurfaceView

I have this code in a class that extends surface view and implements runnable I am able to use the …

android bitmap android-canvas surfaceview extends
Loading large images without OutOfMemoryError

I have a 5000 x 4000 px image which I want to draw onto a canvas. First I tried to load it …

java android android-canvas android-image