Top "Android-canvas" questions

The Android Java Canvas (android.

Android - Fade out bitmap image on canvas

I am drawing a scaled bitmap onto a canvas and would like to fade my image out at a specified …

android image bitmap android-canvas fadeout
How to set ontouch listener for something drawn using canvas: Android

I have a custom view in which i am drawing one big circle and a small circle on the edge …

android android-canvas ontouchlistener
Android - Set a view to be on top of items drawn with canvas

I have an android app where the user paints, moves and reshapes some objects over a photo. In this page …

android xml android-layout android-canvas always-on-top
View onDraw(Canvas c) versus draw(Canvas c) in android?

I am new to android development, I am exploring about View. I come across to known two methods onDraw(Canvas …

android view android-canvas
Android - How to circular zoom/magnify part of image?

I am trying to allow the user to touch the image and then basically a cirular magnifier will show that …

android android-canvas android-imageview touch-event image-zoom
Android: Measure Text Height on a Canvas

I am currently working on rendering a Bitmap, that I then want to send to a mobile printer. However, I …

android paint android-canvas
How to drawing a path with a bitmap?

I have a little drawing app and want to use "complex" shapes as brushes, i.e. a star. Drawing with …

android android-canvas drawing2d
Android: draw arc within canvas api with a gradient fill color

I want to draw an arc using canvas using a gradient fill. How can achieve this?

android android-canvas gradient android-gui geometric-arc
Trying to create an Eraser Paint for canvas

I am creating a drawing app that utilizes the DrawingSurfaceView class below. In that class i have a Paint Called …

android android-canvas paint
How to draw large sized text on a canvas?

I want to draw on canvas month's text vertical along screen height. Paint init: this.paint = new Paint(); this.paint.…

android android-canvas drawtext