Top "Drawtext" questions

Android Canvas.drawText

I have a view, I'm drawing with the Canvas object in the onDraw(Canvas canvas) method. My code is: Paint …

android android-canvas drawtext
Android Center text on canvas

I'm trying to display a text using the code below. The problem is that the text is not centered horizontally. …

java android android-activity android-canvas drawtext
Python PIL bytes to Image

import PIL from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageDraw from PIL import ImageFont import urllib.request with urllib.request.…

python image binary python-imaging-library drawtext
How to align text vertically?

Target: Android >= 1.6 on a pure Canvas. Suppose I want to write a function that will draw a (width, height) …

java android canvas drawtext
Android: Canvas.drawText() text size on different screen resolutions

For my Android game I have some calls to Canvas.drawText(). For testing, I use the standard font size which …

android text size resolution drawtext
Android canvas drawText y-position of text

I'm using a Canvas to create a Drawable with some background and some text. The drawable is used as a …

android text canvas position drawtext
FFmpeg drawtext over multiple lines

I have the code: import subprocess , os ffmpeg = "C:\\ffmpeg_10_6_11.exe" inVid = "C:\\test_in.avi" outVid = "C:\\test_out.…

ffmpeg line multiline drawtext
center text vertically and horizontally with canvas

I'm trying to align a text in bitmap horizontally and vertically, I read several post but I can't find a …

android android-canvas drawtext
Drawing text at an angle (e.g. upside down) in Android

I'm trying to build a custom clock view in Android. See image So far to draw …

android android-canvas drawtext
Android drawText including text wrapping

I am currently creating an image editor and am attempting to draw text on top of on image using canvas.…

android canvas word-wrap drawtext