Top "Android-canvas" questions

The Android Java Canvas (android.

Android: Drawing a canvas to an ImageView

I'm new to android programming and what I'm trying to figure out is this; In my layout i have a …

android imageview android-canvas draw
converting a canvas into bitmap image in android

I am trying to develop an app on canvas,I am drawing a bitmap on the canvas. After drawing, I …

android bitmap android-canvas
Draw multi-line text to Canvas

A hopefully quick question, but I can't seem to find any examples... I'd like to write multi-line text to a …

android android-canvas
Drawing a filled rectangle with a border in android

Is there any way in Android to draw a filled rectangle with say a black border. My problem is that …

android border android-canvas paint fill
Using method -canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, src, dst, paint)

Everytime I use this code nothing is drawn. I need to draw a bitmap inside of a specified rectangle. canvas.…

android graphics bitmap android-canvas
Measuring text width to be drawn on Canvas ( Android )

Is there a method which returns the width ( in pixels ) of a text to be drawn on an Android canvas …

android text android-canvas draw
How to draw Arc between two points on the Canvas?

I have two points in the canvas, now I'm able to draw a line between those points like this below …

android android-canvas ondraw
android canvas drawText set font size from width?

I want to draw text on canvas of certain width using .drawtext For example, the width of the text should …

java android android-canvas
How to use android canvas to draw a Rectangle with only topleft and topright corners round?

I found a function for rectangles with all 4 corners being round, but I want to have just the top 2 corners …

android android-canvas draw
Hex Colors in Android are some times 8 digits. How? What is the difference between #FFFFFF and #FFFFFF00

I sometimes have seen in examples where the coloring in Android is done as #FF191919. I mean a 8 digit hex …

android android-layout colors hex android-canvas