Top "Android-camera" questions

The Android framework includes support for various cameras and camera features available on devices, allowing you to capture pictures and videos in your applications.

startPreview failed but not all devices

I'm getting an error startPreview failed but not all devices. In Motorola RAZR and Samsung Galaxy S3, it's working very …

android parameters android-camera preview
android textureview full screen preview with correct aspect ratio

I have been working with the camera2 api demo from google and unfortunately the sample application is built to display …

java android android-camera android-camera2 android-textureview
Accessing AutoFocus/Flash with Google Vision BarCode Reader

I am playing with the original example of BarCode scanner here:…

android android-camera barcode-scanner camera-flash
Android Camera onPreviewFrame frame rate not consistent

I am trying to encode a 30 frames per second video using MediaCodec through the Camera's PreviewCall back(onPreviewFrame). The video …

android android-camera android-mediacodec
Android Camera: fixed lens focus

I'm developing an Android application with a camera-related functionality feature. First of all, I read a lot of stuff on …

android android-camera autofocus
Android deprecated android.hardware.Camera and now recommend using android.hardware.camera2 but this is not available in anything below API 21

I have an application that supports back to Android API 19 (KitKat) and there is heavy Camera use internally. Currently, android.…

android android-camera deprecation-warning
Android capturing slow motion video

How can i capture slow motion video in my app? I tried using mMediaRecorder.setVideoFrameRate(100); but app crashes if i …

android android-camera android-mediarecorder slowmotion
geo tagging in android

How to know whether the geo tagging is enabled or disabled in android camera setting through the code? We are …

android gps android-camera geotagging
Android face detection - Vision API or Camera API

I need a simple way of detecting faces in my Camera app. All I care about is a callback saying …

android android-camera google-vision
How to increase the quality of captured image using Camera 2 API Android?

I am creating Android camera app using google sample. After the phone captures an image there is a difference of …

android android-camera android-camera2