The Android framework includes support for various cameras and camera features available on devices, allowing you to capture pictures and videos in your applications.
I want to create an application,that has to record video (using media recorder) and recorded video need to format(…
android android-camera android-mediarecorderI want to know the angle of view from the camera, just like in this question but using android.hardware.…
android camera android-camera angleI am recording mp4 with the following code. But while I am recording, 1- is it possible get frames of …
android android-camera android-mediarecorderI'm working with camera in android and I'm new to android camera. I've followed the tutorial from here Whenever I'll …
android android-camera android-camera-intentScenario: I need to take a picture as fast as possible and save it to SD Card. It would be …
android android-camera surfaceviewI am trying to click image from camera and show into imageview but onactivityresult URI return null. BUt below code …
android android-camera android-image android-gallery android-4.4-kitkatI want to capture photo and also save it to my sdcard using android camera.I know its easy but …
android camera android-camera surfaceview android-camera-intentI want to capture image automatically by using either front or rear camera from an android device when screen is …
android android-camera android-camera-intent android-captureI am attempting to allow users to record video that is a different size than the actual on-screen preview that …
android android-camera mediarecorderI send an intent to launch the video camera PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); if(pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA)){ Intent video = …
android android-camera video-thumbnails