Top "Mediarecorder" questions

Mediarecorder is the Android class used for recording Audio and Video available since API Level 1. (For the Web-API, use the [web-mediarecorder] tag instead.

Need a simple example for audio recording

I am in need of simple audio recording and playing example using AudioRecorder in android. I tried with MediaRecorder, it …

android audio alsa audiorecord mediarecorder
MediaRecorder crashes on start

i've searched many topics but no straight answer. I have this code : recorder = new MediaRecorder(); recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); …

android android-emulator mediarecorder android-mediarecorder
how to change video orientation in MediaRecorder to portrait

When I record video by MediaRecorder, it always records in landscape mode, regardless of real device orientation. How to force …

android video-recording device-orientation mediarecorder
MediaRecorder failed when i stop the recording

I have this error. Can somebody please help me, I think it's something about touch listener... The error is happening …

android mediarecorder
Android can't record video with Front Facing Camera, MediaRecorder start failed: -19

I have two different code bases with the same problem. The first one is code copied straight from…

android video camera android-camera mediarecorder
MediaRecorder.stop() stop failed: -1007

I am recording video with MediaRecorder. My code works fine on 2.3.3 but fails on 4.0.3. The issue is following: the code …

android video-capture mediarecorder android-mediarecorder
CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH resolution produces green flickering video

I haven't found any explanation for this so far. Basically I have a video recording class which works splendidly when …

android camera resolution mediarecorder
Using android MediaRecorder

Below is the structure of my working code to record video and audio: Questions: 1) Why is the CamcorderProfile needed? setProfile(...) …

android mediarecorder
What does Android's getMaxAmplitude() function for the MediaRecorder actually give me?

The Android MediaRecorder has a function .getMaxAmplitude(); which, as the API tells me, "Returns the maximum absolute amplitude that was …

android mediarecorder decibel
Android mediarecorder stop failed

I've faced a very strange behavior: sometimes my mediarecorder crashes with an error "Stop failed" and sometimes it works fine. …

android video camera mediarecorder