Top "Android-camera" questions

The Android framework includes support for various cameras and camera features available on devices, allowing you to capture pictures and videos in your applications.

SurfaceView vs TextureView for Camera?

I want to incorporate a camera feature in my app, that will allow layout transitions of the view itself, changing …

android android-camera surfaceview textureview
Android image resize after camera intent callback

my first question here! I have a problem with a piece of code that starts a camera intent with the …

java android android-camera android-camera-intent
How to capture both front and back cameras in Galaxy S4 simultaneously?

As you may know Samsung Galaxy s4 has the capability to capture both front and back cameras at the same …

android android-camera galaxy
How to set the size and quality of a picture taken with the android camera?

I wrote this code that takes a picture with the camera then converts it to a jpeg file and uploads …

android image android-camera crop image-quality
How to add real time filtering effects in camera 2 API in Android

I am developing a camera application in android, i want to enable real time filtering effects feature in to my …

android android-camera android-gpuimageview
Setting Android Photo EXIF Orientation

I have written an Android activity that captures a photo programatically. I want to save the image as a JPEG …

android camera android-camera exif android-orientation
How to resume android camera preview after onPictureTaken function?

I am developing an app that take pictures from camera object and save it to the sdcard. It works great …

android android-camera android-capture
What's the difference between ActivityCompat and ContextCompat?

I'm trying to use the Android camera, for API 23 or above, it requires asking for permission at runtime. According to …

android android-camera android-camera-intent android-camera2
Launch default camera app (no return)

I'd like to launch the default camera, but want it to act like it was started from the launcher (i.…

android android-camera android-camera-intent
Camera2 API Set Custom White Balance & Temperature Color

I'm trying to set a custom value for the White Balance & temperature color in my camera app. I'm using …

android camera android-camera rgb android-camera2