Top "Android-camera" questions

The Android framework includes support for various cameras and camera features available on devices, allowing you to capture pictures and videos in your applications.

Android Camera : Does it have a unique package name?

I am building an app that auto sorts installed apps and allows the user to launch those apps. I just …

android android-intent android-camera android-package-managers android-applicationinfo
Intent does not set the camera parameters

I am opening camera app as external intent from my applications. I am using following code to invoke the camera …

android android-intent camera android-camera android-camera-intent
How do I know if a Uri is empty?

I have an application where I need to be able to let the user decide how to put a picture …

android android-camera uri android-camera-intent
Get Image from camera into ImageView Android

The following code works well to get the thumbnail of a picture taken from the camera. I want to get …

android android-camera galaxy-nexus
Import of android.hardware.camera2 cannot be resolved

On using import android.hardware.camera2. I am getting import cannot be resolved. How to clear this problem. I tried …

android android-camera eclipse-juno
Fix Android Camera app aspect ratio and rotation

How it looks: It looks like in the pic ,I want it to have …

android android-camera surfaceview aspect-ratio
Android camera capture activity returns null Uri

This code worked on samsung before but now that i'm using Nexus One with Android 2.3.6, it's crashing as soon as …

android nullpointerexception uri android-camera nexus-one
Android taking picture with FileProvider

I'm taking a picture on Android Nougat with FileProvider, that's my code <provider android:name="…

android android-camera android-fileprovider
android camera release error from PreviewCallback

So I've read over the Camera API and couldn't find anything on this. I'm using the Camera to grab frames …

android android-camera
Android OpenGL combination of SurfaceTexture (external image) and ordinary texture

i would like to mix camera preview SurfaceTexture with some overlay texture. I am using these shaders for processing: private …

android image opengl-es android-camera textures