The Android framework includes support for various cameras and camera features available on devices, allowing you to capture pictures and videos in your applications.
I'm developing a flashlight app using Camera 2 API. Every thing works fine. While developing the app I came across quite …
android android-camera flashlightI need a way to control the camera flash on an Android device while it is recording video. I'm making …
java android c++ process android-cameraI have a really strange problem. The following code I have is used to take a picture on button click. …
android android-camera android-camera-intentI am kind of newbie in Android development, so my apologies in advance if my question is trivial. In one …
android android-camera android-view android-camera2I search lot but not find any solution. My question is how to add text to video while recording so …
android android-intent android-camera android-mediarecorderI just wanted to integrate ZXing API in my android app, but cant find the proper documentation.
android android-camera zxingHi i am working on android application to detect page number using camera preview. After I received frame I draw …
android canvas android-camera crop android-camera-intentI want to do something like a Google Googles but use only the Camera to text feature in it. I …
android android-camera google-gears google-gadget google-gogglesI am trying to allow a user to select an image, either from the gallery or by taking a picture …
android android-intent android-camera android-gallery android-intent-chooserThis simple code: Camera.Parameters params = currentCamera.getParameters(); params.setPreviewFpsRange( 10000, 15000 ); currentCamera.setParameters( params ); does not work on my Nexus 4 (or …
android android-camera frame-rate nexus-4