Top "Android-camera" questions

The Android framework includes support for various cameras and camera features available on devices, allowing you to capture pictures and videos in your applications.

What is the use of android.permission.FLASHLIGHT?

I'm developing a flashlight app using Camera 2 API. Every thing works fine. While developing the app I came across quite …

android android-camera flashlight
Enabling Camera Flash While Recording Video

I need a way to control the camera flash on an Android device while it is recording video. I'm making …

java android c++ process android-camera
Camera API working on Jelly Bean but not Kitkat

I have a really strange problem. The following code I have is used to take a picture on button click. …

android android-camera android-camera-intent
Nexus 5x reverse landscape sensor fix in a android camera preview app

I am kind of newbie in Android development, so my apologies in advance if my question is trivial. In one …

android android-camera android-view android-camera2
How to add text on video recording?

I search lot but not find any solution. My question is how to add text to video while recording so …

android android-intent android-camera android-mediarecorder
How to integrate ZXing api with front camera in android?

I just wanted to integrate ZXing API in my android app, but cant find the proper documentation.

android android-camera zxing
How can crop rectangle area?

Hi i am working on android application to detect page number using camera preview. After I received frame I draw …

android canvas android-camera crop android-camera-intent
Use Camera to capture Text. Android?

I want to do something like a Google Googles but use only the Camera to text feature in it. I …

android android-camera google-gears google-gadget google-goggles
Choosing between camera and gallery for image selection

I am trying to allow a user to select an image, either from the gallery or by taking a picture …

android android-intent android-camera android-gallery android-intent-chooser
setPreviewFpsRange not working despite values being within getPreviewFpsRange's range

This simple code: Camera.Parameters params = currentCamera.getParameters(); params.setPreviewFpsRange( 10000, 15000 ); currentCamera.setParameters( params ); does not work on my Nexus 4 (or …

android android-camera frame-rate nexus-4