Top "Adc" questions

An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a device that converts a continuous signal to a series of digital numbers.

ADC single conversion on STM32

I'm studying ADC programming on STM32 F103x and starting with the simplest case - single conversion. The internal temperature …

c serial-port stm32 adc usart
stm32f103 ADC sampling rate

I set adc sample time cycles here : ADC_RegularChannelConfig(ADC1, ADC_Channel_17, 1, ADC_SampleTime_71Cycles5); How to calculate sampling rate …

stm32 adc
Increase Beaglebone Black ADC sampling rate?

I'm working on a project that requires the use of a microcontroller, and for this reason, I decided to use …

sampling beagleboneblack cloud9-ide adc
How to fix error message "__builtin_avr_delay_cycles expects a compile time integer constant make"?

My program isn't being compiled using a GCC AVR compiler. It's a small game on a microprocessor and an LCD …

c adc
STM32f4 SPI DMA receive

I have STM32F4407VGT6 controller on board STM32F4 Discovery. I try to read data from the AD7683 ADC …

spi dma stm32f4discovery adc
Individually read distinct inputs with STM32F0 ADC

STM32F072CBU microcontroller. I have multiple inputs to the ADC and would like to read them individually and separately. …

c stm32 microcontroller adc stm32f0
STM32 ADC Continuous Conv Mode does not automatically start conversion

I am trying to configure ADC over a STM32F411RE in simple Continuous Conv Mode. I used CubeMX to …

gcc arm microcontroller stm32 adc
What is missing to make stm32 ADC DMA work? Transfer Compete does not occur

I am using a stm32f3 discovery board and the HAL from CubeMX. I am trying to use 2 ADC channels …

stm32 dma adc
STM32 ADC values reading too high

I am using an STM3240G-EVAL board to read in values from the ADC. I print the values from the …

c++ c embedded stm32 adc