Top "Dma" questions

Direct memory access (DMA) is a feature of modern computers and microprocessors that allows certain hardware subsystems within the computer to access system memory for reading and/or writing independently of the central processing unit.

PCI Express BAR memory mapping basic understanding

I am trying to understand how PCI Express works so i can write a windows driver that can read and …

memory memory-management dma pci pci-e
How to get linux kernel page size programmatically

I am working on a Linux module for IA64. My current problem is that the driver uses the PAGE_SIZE …

memory-management linux-device-driver dma
STM32: Implementing UART in DMA mode

I am trying to implement UART in DMA mode to transmit a simple string every time a push button is …

c stm32 uart dma hal
Linux kernel device driver to DMA from a device into user-space memory

I want to get data from a DMA enabled, PCIe hardware device into user-space as quickly as possible. Q: How …

linux linux-kernel linux-device-driver dma
cache - flush and invalidate operation

I have some questions on cache synchronization operations. Invalidate: Before cpu tries to read a portion of memory updated by …

caching hardware driver device-driver dma
Why mmap() is faster than sequential IO?

Possible Duplicate: mmap() vs. reading blocks I heard (read it on the internet somewhere) that mmap() is faster than sequential …

c linux mmap dma

I'm trying to get UART transmit working over DMA on an stm32f405. This part of my application is designed …

fifo stm32 uart dma stm32f4discovery
How does DMA work with PCI Express devices?

Let's suppose a CPU wants to make a DMA read transfer from a PCI Express device. Communication to PCI Express …

dma pci-e
dma vs interrupt-driven i/o

I'm a little unclear on differences between DMA and interrupt I/O. (Currently reading Operating Systems Concepts, 7th ed). Specifically, …

architecture operating-system driver interrupt dma
Memory alignment of arrays

I am having trouble aligning memory for DMA transfer on the Cell processor. I need the last 4 bits of an …

c memory-alignment dma