Top "Dma" questions

Direct memory access (DMA) is a feature of modern computers and microprocessors that allows certain hardware subsystems within the computer to access system memory for reading and/or writing independently of the central processing unit.

Direct memory access DMA - how does it work?

I read that if DMA is available, then processor can route long read or write requests of disk blocks to …

hardware processor dma
Some questions on dma_alloc_coherent

Is the DMA address returned from this call the same as the physical address? LDD3 says the DMA address should …

linux-kernel linux-device-driver dma
DMA cache coherence management

My question is this: how can I determine when it is safe to disable cache snooping when I am correctly …

linux linux-kernel kernel dma
STM32 DMA transfer error

I use STM32F407VTG6 controller and try to receive data from SPI using DMA. Then I want to process …

c stm32 spi dma
Allocating a large DMA buffer

I want to allocate a large DMA buffer, about 40 MB in size. When I use dma_alloc_coherent(), it fails …

linux-kernel dma
STM32f4 SPI DMA receive

I have STM32F4407VGT6 controller on board STM32F4 Discovery. I try to read data from the AD7683 ADC …

spi dma stm32f4discovery adc
What's the difference between DMA Controller and I/O processor

Given the starting memory address & word count DMA controller transfers data while the CPU works on some other process. …

io hardware dma
Receiving SPI data via DMA on PIC32

I know that this topic (DMA & SPI) has already been talked about on numerous threads in the microchip forum, …

c pic microchip spi dma
Linux driver DMA transfer to a PCIe card with PC as master

I am working on a DMA routine to transfer data from PC to a FPGA on a PCIe card. I …

linux-kernel linux-device-driver fpga dma pci-e
What is DMA mapping and DMA engine in context of linux kernel?

What is DMA mapping and DMA engine in context of linux kernel? When DMA mapping API and DMA engine API …

linux linux-kernel linux-device-driver dma pci-e