Direct memory access DMA - how does it work?

Boolean picture Boolean · Mar 1, 2011 · Viewed 16.7k times · Source

I read that if DMA is available, then processor can route long read or write requests of disk blocks to the DMA and concentrate on other work. But, DMA to memory data/control channel is busy during this transfer. What else can processor do during this time?


Jerry Coffin picture Jerry Coffin · Mar 1, 2011

First of all, DMA (per se) is almost entirely obsolete. As originally defined, DMA controllers depended on the fact that the bus had separate lines to assert for memory read/write, and I/O read/write. The DMA controller took advantage of that by asserting both a memory read and I/O write (or vice versa) at the same time. The DMA controller then generated successive addresses on the bus, and data was read from memory and written to an output port (or vice versa) each bus cycle.

The PCI bus, however, does not have separate lines for memory read/write and I/O read/write. Instead, it encodes one (and only one) command for any given transaction. Instead of using DMA, PCI normally does bus-mastering transfers. This means instead of a DMA controller that transfers memory between the I/O device and memory, the I/O device itself transfers data directly to or from memory.

As for what else the CPU can do at the time, it all depends. Back when DMA was common, the answer was usually "not much" -- for example, under early versions of Windows, reading or writing a floppy disk (which did use the DMA controller) pretty much locked up the system for the duration.

Nowadays, however, the memory typically has considerably greater bandwidth than the I/O bus, so even while a peripheral is reading or writing memory, there's usually a fair amount of bandwidth left over for the CPU to use. In addition, a modern CPU typically has a fair large cache, so it can often execute some instruction without using main memory at all.