Top "Device-driver" questions

A device driver is a specialized software component (usually considered "system software") which allows a system to interact with a particular type or class of hardware device, such as a keyboard, serial port, disk drive, video display, memory controller, or other peripheral.

How to Install Driver with a cat file?

I have kernel driver. When installing on 32 bit systems and Windows XP and below, I had no problem and used …

windows 64-bit device-driver signed
Google Nexus 5 is not being detected by computer/doesn't appear in device manager

I have connected my mobile to my laptop via a USB cable, have turned on developer mode, debugging mode, MTP, …

android usb device device-driver
Replacing Touchscreen driver in Android Kernel

I'm adapting a Gingerbread kernel for my custom board. I'm trying to replace a resistive touch screen that uses an …

android linux-kernel device-driver touchscreen android-source
cache - flush and invalidate operation

I have some questions on cache synchronization operations. Invalidate: Before cpu tries to read a portion of memory updated by …

caching hardware driver device-driver dma
Virtual Webcam Driver

I want to develop a virtual webcam driver which from User mode I'll pass image to it and it will …

c++ webcam directshow device-driver wdk
How can I get a list of all the active kernel drivers on my Android system?

How can I get a list of all the active kernel drivers on my Android system?. What is the equivelant …

android kernel device-driver
Iphone device token - NSData or NSString

I am receiving iPhone device token in the form of NSData object. When I tested my notifications script function, I …

iphone device-driver token
I/O completion port's advantages and disadvantages

Why do many people say I/O completion port is fast and nice model? What is the I/O completion …

windows network-programming io device-driver iocp
BSP vs Device-Drivers

While understanding each by itself (or maybe not), looks like I'm far from understanding the practical differences between the two. …

linux-device-driver device-driver vxworks bsp
Programmatically enabling/disabling hardware device

Possible Duplicates: [.NET] How do I disable a system device? Win32 API function to programatically enable/disable device Is there …

c# .net programming-languages hardware device-driver