Top "Lookup-tables" questions

A look-up table is an array or matrix of data that contains items that can be searched.

Excel: Find min/max values in a column among those matched from another column

I have a table with two columns, say A:B. I have a separate list (in column D) of all …

excel lookup-tables
gcc warning: braces around scalar initializer

I have look-up-table as defined below and I'm making use of GCC. When I compile I get warnings as warning: …

c lookup-tables gcc-warning
Calculate a 32-bit CRC lookup table in C/C++

I want to calculate a 32-bit CRC lookup table. One way I tried is by using the following code from …

c++ c lookup-tables crc32
Is there a simple way to create a javascript lookup table?

I'm looking for a simple way of looking up a value, using javascript, against a number of dimensions: eg. (I'm …

javascript lookup-tables
Using Look Up Tables in Python

I am using python to automate a piezoelectric droplet generator. For each value of a pulse length, a suitable value …

python python-3.x lookup-tables
What's the best way to do a lookup table in C?

I am working on an embedded C project. I have an LCD display and for each character there is a 5…

c lookup-tables
Look-up vs relationship Microsoft Access

I'm developing a Microsoft Access 2013 based information system. One of the client's demands was to simplify the data entry process …

ms-access database-design relational-database lookup-tables
Simple lookup to insert values in an R data frame

This is a seemingly simple R question, but I don't see an exact answer here. I have a data frame (…

r lookup-tables
Lookup Tables in Java?

In my Computer Science course, we're learning about Lookup Tables. But our teacher did not provide any examples in the …

java arrays lookup-tables
What is the most efficient way to do look-up table in C#

What is the most efficient way to do look-up table in C# I have a look-up table. Sort of like 0 "…

c# performance lookup-tables