Top "Actionscript" questions

ActionScript is a scripting language used to create Rich Internet Applications (RIA), mobiles applications, web applications, etc.

Check to see if a class has a method

Is it possible to check a class to see whether it has a method or not ? Or even a particular …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript flash-cs4
Sharing variables between mxml components

I have several mxml components in an app, all of which need the same variable called genericX. I've included that …

apache-flex actionscript adobe mxml flex4
Unable to solve flash error 5000: The class ... must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip'

I'm getting the following error on my flash project 5000: The class ... must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked …

flash actionscript adobe cs4
actionscript development on mac

I know of FlashDevelop for windows but how about developing actionscript or haxe on a mac? besides flex plugin for …

macos actionscript haxe
ActionScript - Click and Go to URL, Open on current tab

I have created a flash animation with actionscript (which I don't know very much about) and I've converted it to …

html flash iframe actionscript google-swiffy
StringBuilder in Flex

I'm looking for fast string concatenation class or so in Flex. Like StringBuilder in Java. Thanks

actionscript-3 apache-flex actionscript
Vector.<> vs array

What are the pros and contras of using a Vector.<> instead of array?

arrays actionscript vector flashplayer-10
Flex dataGrid itemRenderer, access cell width and height

When writing a custom itemRenderer, how do you reference the height and width of the grid cell that it will …

apache-flex actionscript datagrid itemrenderer
Static Actionscript code analysis possibilities

I want to see class, function and variable/property, dependencies visually, like NDepend, but for ActionScript 2 or AS3 code. Any …

actionscript-3 actionscript code-analysis static-analysis
flex 3 accessing main mxml from actionscript code

im writting an actionScript class to handle my web service calls. When i retrieve a result i want to call …

apache-flex actionscript mxml