Top "Cs4" questions

cs4 Stands for Creative Suite 4 And is a collection of programs made and/or managed by Adobe Systems.

How to hide a button after clicking another button in Flash?

I am using actionscript 3 to make a point and click game. On frame 1 there are two buttons, button 1 and 2. On …

flash actionscript-3 button cs4
Flash CS4 + SQLITE

I'm looking for some information regarding using SQLITE with AIR in Flash CS4, I cannot find any good examples, they're …

flash actionscript-3 air adobe cs4
Unable to solve flash error 5000: The class ... must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip'

I'm getting the following error on my flash project 5000: The class ... must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked …

flash actionscript adobe cs4
Getting Selected Layer or group layers array using javascript (Photoshop CS4)

K basically I need to write a photoshop script that iterates through the selected layers and retrieve some information about …

javascript photoshop cs4
fonts not being embedded Flash CS4 AS3

Maybe you can help me with a problem I am having. The URL of the project is: http://www.mauriciogiraldo.…

flash actionscript-3 fonts embedded-resource cs4