Top "Actionscript" questions

ActionScript is a scripting language used to create Rich Internet Applications (RIA), mobiles applications, web applications, etc.

Is it possible to create a 'command line' swf?

I'd like to be able to write a .swf file that is runnable as a command line app. In other …

apache-flex flash actionscript-3 actionscript
Convert camel case to human readable string?

Is there a reg exp or function that will convert camel case, css and underscore to human readable format? It …

javascript actionscript-3 actionscript
keyboard event as3 not working

This was something that had me banging my head for 2 hours before I figured it out. I decided to post …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript flash-builder flash-cs5
Horizontal align components inside HBox from Action Script

Is there any way to set horizontalAlign from Action Script not from mxml?

apache-flex actionscript flex3 hbox alignment
Sound Complete Not Firing (AS3)

I have a bit of a quandary. I need to call a function inside a MovieClip once a particular sound …

actionscript-3 flash actionscript addeventlistener flash-cs5.5
Actionscript object number of properties

How can I get the number of properties in a generic Actionscript Object? (Like Array length)

flash actionscript-3 actionscript object flash-cs5
Flash client XMLSocket not connecting to server

I have a Flash client that I want to connect to a server. Both are using localhost and port 50000 so …

flash sockets actionscript network-programming xmlsocket
Hidden features/tricks of Flash development, Flash language (AS2/3), and Flash IDE

Guys, I am thoroughly surprised that there is no Flash Hidden Features post yet in the Hidden Features series that …

actionscript-3 flash actionscript ide
Actionscript - Obtain the name of the current function

I want to get the name of a function from inside that function. e.g.: function blah() { //I want to …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript adobe
How to implement the Adobe HTTP Streaming spec without using their Streaming server

As of Flash 10.1, they have added the ability to add bytes into the NetStream object via the appendBytes method (described …

actionscript flash netstream http-streaming