Top "Http-streaming" questions

HTTP server push (also known as HTTP streaming) is a mechanism for sending data from a web server to a web browser.

jQuery read AJAX stream incrementally?

I have read this question but it doesn't exactly answer my question. Unfortunately, it looks like things have changed in …

jquery ajax dom-events long-polling http-streaming
My Understanding of HTTP Polling, Long Polling, HTTP Streaming and WebSockets

I have read many posts on SO and the web regarding the keywords in my question title and learned a …

javascript web-applications websocket comet http-streaming
What is the HTTP URL to stream the sub-stream channel from Dahua/CP-PLus camera

I got the RTSP equivalent, which is: rtsp://my_cam_ip:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1 I came across some …

streaming rtsp ip-camera http-streaming
Http Media Streaming Server

I have developed video streaming application with RED5 media server(RTMP). Instead of RTMP need to stream live video through …

html video-streaming audio-streaming http-live-streaming http-streaming
How do I read a streaming response body using Golang's net/http package?

I am trying to connect to an endpoint that does http streaming of json data. I was wondering how to …

http go http-streaming
HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

I am trying to create a issue in Jira . I am able to make a GET request with a proper …

php google-app-engine jira jira-rest-api http-streaming
How to stream an HTTP file upload without the Content-Length header?

Is it possible to upload a file to an apache php server without including the content-length header ? I am trying …

php apache http http-streaming
Private HTTP Live Streaming via CloudFront

I am working on an iOS app which allows downloading and HTTP live streaming of private videos. The videos are …

ios video mpmovieplayercontroller amazon-cloudfront http-streaming
Sorry, this video is not valid for streaming to this device in Http streaming android

I can stream some videos from URL (server) successfully, But the others (my video up to my server) is not. …

android video-streaming media-player android-videoview http-streaming
How to play audio from an http data stream in swift

I have an audio data stream coming in from a http response. I receive packets of bytes using the URLSessionDataDelegate …

ios swift audio audio-streaming http-streaming