Top "Actionscript" questions

ActionScript is a scripting language used to create Rich Internet Applications (RIA), mobiles applications, web applications, etc.

can an actionscript function find out its own name?

given the following function A(b:Function) { } If function A(), can we determine the name of the function being passed …

actionscript-3 actionscript actionscript-2
How can you overload a function in ActionScript?

I want a function to be able to take in various types. AS3 doesn't support overloading directly... so I can't …

actionscript-3 actionscript overloading
Set text outlining / border in Actionscript 3.0

How can I set the properties for the text outline / border for each character in a line of text in …

actionscript-3 actionscript text outline
MovieClip vs Sprite in Actionscript 3.0

What more can be done if I extend MainClass with MovieClip rather than Sprite. I know that MovieClip extends Sprite …

actionscript-3 actionscript actionscript-2
actionscript (flex): how to know whether a property of object exists (or defined)?

I am a Java developer who tries Flex. Here is my problem: I behave actionScript objects as hashmap but when …

apache-flex actionscript
Flex dataGrid add button in datagridcolumn using ItemRenderer?

I have this code. I want to add Buttons in the second column of the data grird. <mx:DataGrid …

apache-flex actionscript flex3 flex4
How do I change a button, onclick, in ActionScript? Show/hide?

Using ActionScript 2.0, how do I show or hide a button onclick? I am making a simple mp3 player, and would …

flash actionscript actionscript-2
How can I get an instance's "memory location" in ActionScript?

FlexBuilder's debugger will show you the "memory location" (or, I can only assume, something roughly analogous) of any in-scope instance: …

apache-flex actionscript-3 actionscript flex3
How to use transparent BitmapData as a mask

I have a BitmapData object created dynamically that contains user-drawn shapes. I then attach that BitmapData object to a MovieClip …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript flash-cs5
Set JSON content-type on s:HttpService in flex

I am trying to set the json content type on httpservice to make REST service return the json data. When …

apache-flex json actionscript httpservice