Top "Actionscript" questions

ActionScript is a scripting language used to create Rich Internet Applications (RIA), mobiles applications, web applications, etc.

AS3 Timers vs. ENTER_FRAME performance

I'm building a game that got some moving things all the time, so I'm using a lot of Timer instances …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript
Flash / Actionscript CPU profiler

Have you found such a tool and used it successfully?

flash actionscript profiling cpu-usage
1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition in namespace public

I have an actionscript 3 library item, "BG", that is linked to the class BGClass. BG contains a Sprite that has …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript extend
How do I learn Flash Game Development?

I'm currently a PHP programmer and one of my childhood dreams is to create a game. The problem is I …

flash actionscript
Mapping Java ArrayList<CustomClass> and Flex ArrayCollection

I'm currently trying to map a java ArrayList with a Flex ArrayCollection, through LCDS. My Flex application does call the …

java apache-flex arrays actionscript lcds
Iterating over ArrayCollection while adding and removing items

I want to iterate over an ArrayCollection in Flex while there can be items added and removed. Since i didn't …

apache-flex actionscript arraycollection
Flex's can only be called in a user event handler -- how can I get around this?

I need to call after a web service call has completed, but this method has a restriction: "In …

apache-flex actionscript-3 actionscript filereference flex4
Flex: given Class object, get the name of the class it represents

In Flex, say I have a Class object. How do I get a string for the class it represents? e.…

apache-flex flash actionscript-3 actionscript
Converting a String into a Date object in Flex

Possible Duplicate: Date to String <-> String to Date I have a date in String form: "Tue Sep 25 12:24:18 …

actionscript-3 flash apache-flex actionscript flex4
How do I change the background of a Flash document using ActionScript 3.0?

Let me preface this question by saying that I am a .NET developer at heart, just helping a friend with …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript flash-cs5