Top "Flash-cs4" questions

Flash CS4 Professional is a tool for creating Flash Applications.

Flash CS4 refuses to let go

I have a Flash project, and it has many source files. I have a fairly heavily-used class, call it Jenine. …

flash caching flash-cs4
Understanding Array::splice in ActionScript 3

I am trying to remove an object from an array, but for some reason it's not working. I am under …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript flash-cs4
How to resize dynamically loaded image into flash (as3)

Am struggling to find the right as3 code to resize an image once it is dynamically called into the stage …

actionscript-3 flash-cs4 image-scaling image-resizing
How to make a MovieClip remove itself in AS3?

What is the equivalent to removeMovieClip() in AS3? Apparently many have the same question: StackOverflow: How to completely remove a …

flash-cs4 actionscript-3 movieclip
What are the differences between the Flash Professional and the Flash Builder?

I couldn't find a comparation on the web, so, what's the difference between the Flash Professional and the Flash Builder? …

flash flash-cs4 flash-builder
ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData

I am having problems loading a bitmapData. I am getting the following error Engine Init //trace loadimage//trace ArgumentError: Error #2015: …

flash actionscript-3 actionscript flash-cs4
How do I get the user's screen resolution in ActionScript 3?

Is there a way ActionScript 3 can detect the user's screen resolution?

actionscript-3 flash-cs4 flash-cs3
Transform text to vector shape in Adobe Flash Professional CS5

How? Question is simple, hope the answer will be as well.

How can I get the width/height of a loaded swf's stage in AS2?

I'm using MovieClipLoader to load an external as2 swf file into my as2 flash project, and I'm having trouble getting …

flash actionscript-2 flash-cs4 swfloader
How can I convert a flash movieclip into a png sequence?

Flash CS4 is not letting me save a swf to a png sequence. Is there a way to save a …

png flash-cs4 movieclip