Top "Zabbix" questions

Zabbix is a free, open-source monitoring tool for diverse IT components, such as networks, servers, VM and cloud services.

How do I create a graph in Zabbix with a calucated field based on the count of log entries?

I have an item setup to monitor fatal errors, and I want to add another item so that it calculates …

monitoring logfile-analysis zabbix
zabbix api get all host names

I'm using Python to query a Zabbix server in an attempt to get a list of hostids and hostnames. I'm …

python zabbix
zabbix UserParameter return 2 or more values

i use UserParameter=Firebird[*],F:\tools\zabbix_agent\firebird\Firebird.bat $1 How can I get for 1 run bat file two …

Zabbix trigger to detect no data

I need trigger able to detect that polled Zabbix agent items does not returns data. For zabbix trapper items this …

How to integrate .NET and Zabbix?

I have a .NET app that must send data to a Zabbix server. How to do that?

c# .net integration zabbix
Unable to determine current Zabbix database version: the table "dbversion" was not found

OS: Debian10 App: Zabbix4.0 Installed app:Mariadb,Apache2,php I got this error after I input this command in mysql. …

Zabbix server 3 : Using SNMP trap for monitoring specific SNMP OID item

In Zabbix Server 3, I have a linux host monitored through SNMP. The SNMP OID of the monitored MIB is as …

snmp zabbix snmpd snmptrapd
Over ride max number of processes in Zabbix

I am monitoring certain FreeIPA servers that are normally forking <= 460 process (roughly). This generates the "Too many processes on {…

Use Zabbix web scenario status for notification

I've created a web scenario with three steps within my zabbix installation. In case of an error I want to …

notifications zabbix scenarios
Zabbix Memory Used key

I have an item that has vm.memory.size[used] as a key, this returns the memory used, this also …
