Top "Zabbix" questions

Zabbix is a free, open-source monitoring tool for diverse IT components, such as networks, servers, VM and cloud services.

How to read HDD S.M.A.R.T. attributes?

I would monitoring the smart HDD-s on my Windows 7 clients. I would to get the HDD smart attributes without using …

powershell windows-7 wmi monitoring zabbix
userparameters and ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED

I want to ping an external ip from all of my servers that run zabbix agent. I searched and find …

zabbix server won't start - database error

I'm having trouble starting zabbix server on centOS 7. This is the status message I get after trying to start zabbix-server: […

How can I monitor a host with Zabbix without installing the agent on it?

I want to monitor a external host with Zabbix. I don't have any access to that host. E.g. it …

http proxy external monitor zabbix
How to expose data to zabbix

Here is my goal: I would like to be able to report various metrics to zabbix so that we can …

python zabbix
Not able to telnet / ping server installed on virtual machine

I am trying to establish connection between ZABBIX SERVER which has been installed on Ubuntu Virtual Machine and ZABBIX AGENT …

windows ubuntu virtual-machine telnet zabbix
Check if values of two string-type items are equal in a Zabbix trigger

I am monitoring an application using Zabbix and have defined a custom item which returns a string value. Since my …

linux string monitoring mirroring zabbix
Zabbix to export graph (.PNG) files

My Goal: I would like to extract graphs associated with hosts in .png format. My GOOGLE research say's we don't …

php linux curl zabbix
What does "CPU jumps" mean?

I have the following default chart in zabbix, but I have no idea how to interprete these values. Can anyone …

cpu monitoring cpu-usage zabbix
Teach Zabbix to monitor service status

I know that Zabbix can monitor any service on Linux machine via two options: scan particular tcp or udp port, …

service zabbix