Top "Zabbix" questions

Zabbix is a free, open-source monitoring tool for diverse IT components, such as networks, servers, VM and cloud services.

Zabbix JMX Tomcat monitoring

I have been trying to setup Zabbix to monitor my 2 tomcat servers on 2 different Amazon EC2 machines, but in vain. …

zabbix frontend webinterface gives error 404 (ubunutu server 14.04)

I can't open the zabbix frontend URL via http://zabbixservername/zabbix Error 404 is given: Not Found The requested URL /zabbix …

linux apache frontend zabbix ubuntu-14.04
How to check HTTP response code in zabbix?

I have a Zabbix server 2.2 and a few linux hosts with websites. How can I get a notification from Zabbix, …

triggers zabbix http-response-codes
Why does zabbix agent UserParameter not work when it is on the same machine with zabbix server

thanks for viewing this question! I use zabbix to monitor my servers; There are totally 15 servers; But one of the …

monitoring zabbix
Tool for parsing SMTP logs that finds bounces

Our web application sends e-mails. We have lots of users, and we get lots of bounces. For example, user changes …

parsing logging smtp zabbix splunk
Monitoring MySQl with Zabbix Agent

I can't get every result from the Zabbix default Template App MySQL. The error is: Not supported by zabbix agent …

mysql zabbix
zabbix agent service failed, PID not readable

I'm trying to run zabbix-agent 3.0.4 on CentOS7, systemd failed to start the zabbix agent, from journalctl -xe PID file /run/…

centos7 zabbix selinux
How to enable HTTPS for Zabbix

How to configure make Zabbix accessible using HTTPS? - Ubuntu Apache! Currently Zabbix is accessible on Intranet via …

apache ubuntu ssl https zabbix
JMX Monitoring using Zabbix

I need to see what memory size, CPU usage and so on for my application, found zabbix as monitoring tool …

java monitoring jmx zabbix
zabbix-agent active config: ZBX_TCP_READ() failed

I'm using Zabbix 2.2.6 for both server and clients and trying to configure zabbix-agent works only for active mode. Basically I …
