JMX Monitoring using Zabbix

Sergii Zagriichuk picture Sergii Zagriichuk · Dec 26, 2011 · Viewed 16k times · Source

I need to see what memory size, CPU usage and so on for my application, found zabbix as monitoring tool and want to create bridge between zabbix and my app. I do not want to add additional module with JMX MBeans. Are there some implementations/solution for creating bridges ? I wanna copy some jar/jars o my class path and see general monitoring information. Thank a lot.


whmcr picture whmcr · Dec 26, 2011

It is also possible to use the beta release of Zabbix 2.0 (Beta release is 1.9) which will allow you to use the Java Gateway as a bridge. This does require running another service, however it does allow you to have remote java processes monitored behind various firewalls that you don't want direct JMX exposure to.

The documentation for the JMX monitoring is here