How to enable HTTPS for Zabbix

rijAth mohAmmed nr picture rijAth mohAmmed nr · Apr 12, 2016 · Viewed 16.8k times · Source

How to configure make Zabbix accessible using HTTPS? - Ubuntu Apache!

Currently Zabbix is accessible on Intranet via where I would like to setup to access it like



Sebastiaan Knijnenburg picture Sebastiaan Knijnenburg · Sep 13, 2017

I managed to arrange SSL on my Zabbix site by having a named vhost ( with any docroot (/var/www/ Zabbix hooks into any /zabbix url, so it doesn't really matter which one. It is important that you have a valid DNS resolving to your vhost. Then use Letsencrypt to create a SSL certificate for that vhost and have it forward traffic to port 80 to port 443 (see for installation details).