userparameters and ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED

Arash Shams picture Arash Shams · Oct 25, 2015 · Viewed 15.7k times · Source

I want to ping an external ip from all of my servers that run zabbix agent.

I searched and find some articles about zabbix user parameters. In /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/ I created a file named userparameter_ping.conf with following content:

UserParameter=checkip[*],ping -c4 && echo 0 || echo 1

I created an item named checkip in zabbix server with a graph but got no data. After some another digging I found zabbix_get and tested my userparameter but I got the error : ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED

# zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k checkip

my zabbix version :

Zabbix Agent (daemon) v2.4.5 (revision 53282) (21 April 2015)

Does anybody know what I can do to address this?


Arash Shams picture Arash Shams · Nov 1, 2015

After some change and talks with folks in mailing list finally it worked but how :

first i created a file in :


and add this line :

 UserParameter=checkip[*],ping -W1 -c2 $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo 0 || echo 1

and run this command :

    ./sbin/zabbix_agentd -t checkip[""]
checkip[]                              [t|0]

so everything done but Timeout option is very important for us :

add time out in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf


Timeout default is 3s so if we run

time ping -W1 -c2

see maybe it takes more than 3s so you got error :