How do I create a graph in Zabbix with a calucated field based on the count of log entries?

Kevin Korb picture Kevin Korb · Sep 8, 2011 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

I have an item setup to monitor fatal errors, and I want to add another item so that it calculates the count of the fatal errors and graphs them.

Using this key: log["/d2/httpd/logs/myDomain-error_log","PHP Fatal","UTF-8",100]

It properly gets the data that I'm wanting, however it will not graph this, I imagine I have to count the entries and get the format as an integer, but this does not work:

count(log["/d2/httpd/logs/myDomain-error_log","PHP Fatal","UTF-8",100], 60)

Any ideas of what my key should be, or how I would go about graphing this data to see over time how many errors there were?

Actions and triggers are working fine and doing what is supposed but unable to create graph out of it.


Algirdas picture Algirdas · Aug 18, 2014

What worked for me:

Create item for parsing some string in log.

  • Key log["C:/Logs/log.log",ERROR].
  • Type Zabbix agent (active)
  • Type of information Log.

This item should show all the lines from log with specified string "ERROR".

Second, create calculated item with escaped quotation marks:

  • Key
  • Type Calculated
  • Formula count("log[\"C:/Logs/log.log\",ERROR]", 60)

This would count how many times "ERROR" was repeated in log during 60 seconds.

Now this item can be graphed, triggered, etc.

I'm not really sure why parsing item is required, but without it this calculated item does not work.