Use Zabbix web scenario status for notification

Karl Ramseier picture Karl Ramseier · Jul 7, 2014 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

I've created a web scenario with three steps within my zabbix installation. In case of an error I want to get a more detailed information about the error in the notification. I'm getting this:

PROBLEM: www.mywebsite.tld.Fail : Failed step of scenario www.mywebsite.tld.

In the status window of the web scenarios I'm getting the information:

step "Product Page" [3 of 3] failed: required pattern not found

How can I send the text of the web scenario status into the notification?

Normally it shouldn't be such a big problem, the text is already available in the status text.
Is there a macro for this text?


Michael Tabolsky picture Michael Tabolsky · Jul 7, 2014

The correct way to implement the notifications is to configure triggers on the items created from web scenarios and relative steps. The item that holds the "required pattern not found" string is "Last error message of scenario" : web.test.error[Scenario].