Top "Yii" questions

Use for questions about any version of Yii, an open-source MVC framework for writing web 2.0 applications in PHP5+

yii CHtml submitButtion

I start learning yii and try to make some changes in others' code. I want to add the submitButton function …

php yii yii-chtml
CGridView custom column filter

Q : how to create filter for my gridview? status : customer name = first_name . last_name This is my grid view &…

php yii filter cgridview
Yii, createUrl not working as expected

I'm doing the following in a view: <li><a href='<? Yii::app()->controller-&…

yii yii-routing
dropzone.js doesnt upload .doc,.xls,.xlsx file formats

i have use dropzone extension to upload images. it work like charm. but i want to upload document files doc,…

yii yii-extensions dropzone.js
Php framework : symfony 1, symfony 2 or Yii

We are going to switch from an homemade framework to Symfony or Yii. The capabilities of these two framework are, …

php symfony frameworks symfony1 yii
Yii CGrid pagination and sorting with CArrayDataProvider doesnt work

I built a custom function in my model and return the raw data: function(){ ... $connection=Yii::app()->db; $…

php yii yii-cmodel zii-widgets
scenario for validation rules in yii

I was wandering is there any chance to use scenario for rules, in my model I have public function rules() { …

php validation yii scenarios yii-validation
Select or Dropdown list from CActiveRecord in Yii

I have table types and i want to build selectbox with all values from this table In my controller i …

php yii yii1.x
How to resize image by imagine extension in yii2

I use the bellow function to resize images after upload to show on my post. but it works just for …

yii yii2 yii-extensions yii2-advanced-app
"You cannot access this page directly" - Hybrid Auth

I'm hosting my PHP Yii application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and hence using the database to store sessions. I've successfully …

php yii amazon-web-services amazon-elastic-beanstalk hybridauth