I have table types
and i want to build selectbox
with all values from this table
In my controller i wrote this code
$allRegistrationTypes = RegistrationType::model()->findAll();
$this->render('index', array('allRegistrationTypes' => $allRegistrationTypes))
How build selectbox in view file ?
Well then its pretty simple all you need to do is first create List Data like
CHtml::ListData(allRegistrationTypes,'value you want to pass when item is selected','value you have to display');
for ex
typeList = CHtml::ListData(allRegistrationTypes,'id','type');
now remember both id and type are fields in table
now all you have to do is if you are using form then
<?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'type_id', $typeList, array('empty'=>'Select a tyoe')); ?>
and if you need multiple you can pass multiple => multiple
in the array as htmlOptions