Top "Yii-extensions" questions

Custom third party extensions/reusable components for the Yii framework, which provide common and repeatedly used functionalities for web applications.

WebSocket is closed before the connection is established

I'm using JavaScript and the Union platform How would I go about diagnosing this problem? Many thanks.

web-services websocket yii-extensions pusher phpwebsocket
Yii2 disable Bootstrap Js, JQuery and CSS

Same as title, i don't want using bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js. I try using: 'assetManager' => [ 'bundles' => [ 'yii\…

php twitter-bootstrap yii2 yii-extensions
How to validate email and email already exist or not check, in Yii Framework?

How to validate email using Yii Model validation rules function code. Also how to check email exist or not using …

php yii model yii-extensions yii-components
Install extension using composer in yii2.0

How can i install yii/jui in yii2.0 using composer. I have tried php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2…

php yii2 yii-extensions
Yii2 role management with rbac and database storage

I want to learn Yii2 membership and use Yii to store and retrieve roles using a database. I have read …

php yii yii2 yii-extensions rbac
model->attributes in Yii2 always has NULL value

I have one temporary model as viewModel. In my CRUD actions (for example actionCreate) I want to get this viewModel …

php yii-extensions yii yii2
How can I disable yii-debug-toolbar on a specific view?

How can I disable yii-debug-toolbar on a specific view especially on partial rendered views? Is this possible? p.s. Yii-debug-toolbar …

php debugging yii yii-extensions
Yii2 Multiple instances of the same model

I want to get multiplie instance of the same model in my controller. I saw this wiki for Yii 1.1 and …

php yii yii-extensions yii-components yii2
yii CGridView filter with relations

I'm using yii for my web application. In one of my view I have CGridView and dataprovider is Mail model. …

php yii yii-extensions yii-components
yii : how to display the different menu(s) by user role?

Q : How can I show display different menu(s) by user role? Description : the app has many roles. e.g …

php yii yii-extensions