Top "Yii-components" questions

Yii is an open source, object-oriented, component-based MVC PHP web application framework.

DropDownList yii 2.0 example

I am using yii 2.0 Framework. How i can make options from my database. I found this, but it's yii 1.1: <?…

yii2 yii-components
How to validate email and email already exist or not check, in Yii Framework?

How to validate email using Yii Model validation rules function code. Also how to check email exist or not using …

php yii model yii-extensions yii-components
Getting Current Controller ID in Yii

I want to get the current controller name that handles the current action. but the in my case I will …

php templates yii yii-components
How to display rows of CGridView as a link

I want to display CGridView component with all records as a link to its related Update page. I want the …

gridview yii yii-components
How to create absolute url on Yii https?

I am creating a website which runs on https.. But when i create absolute url using echo Yii::app()-&…

php yii yii-components
Yii Framework Unknown Property Exception

I know this might seem trivial but I really can't figure it out. I'm starting to develop a database application …

php mysql yii yii2 yii-components
Yii2 Multiple instances of the same model

I want to get multiplie instance of the same model in my controller. I saw this wiki for Yii 1.1 and …

php yii yii-extensions yii-components yii2
yii CGridView filter with relations

I'm using yii for my web application. In one of my view I have CGridView and dataprovider is Mail model. …

php yii yii-extensions yii-components
How to write global functions in Yii2 and access them in any view (not the custom way)

Yii1.1 had a CComponent class that had a CBaseController which was the base class for CController. There was a /protected/…

php yii2 yii-components
How to save user password in Hash format into DB in Yii2

I need to create new user. And I want to save password into hash format in DB. But I failed …

yii yii-components yii2