Top "Pusher" questions

Pusher is a hosted API for quickly, easily and securely adding scalable realtime functionality to web and mobile apps.

WebSocket is closed before the connection is established

I'm using JavaScript and the Union platform How would I go about diagnosing this problem? Many thanks.

web-services websocket yii-extensions pusher phpwebsocket
http://localhost:8000/broadcasting/auth 404 (Not Found)

I am trying to make my app app connect to pusher on a private channel. But I am getting the …

laravel laravel-5.3 pusher vuejs2 laravel-echo
Laravel /broadcasting/auth Always Fails With 403 Error

I have recently delved into Laravel 5.3's Laravel-Echo and Pusher combination. I have successfully set up public channels and moved …

php laravel pusher laravel-echo
Class 'Pusher' not found

When I install Pusher package, I got an error "Class 'Pusher' not found".

laravel-5 pusher
Invoke pusher when mysql has changed

How possible is it to get mysql database changes to be pushed to a an admin screen without admin interaction …

mysql pusher
Why do we need products like Pusher and to establish a websocket connection?

I've been reading about websockets and SaaS like Pusher and recently, while working on my Laravel chat practice …

laravel websocket vue.js pusher
How to integrate Angular.js with a realtime messaging service like Pusher or PubNub?

Is it possible to define Pusher or PubNub as an Angular Service? Does someone have code examples of such an …

javascript angularjs pusher pubnub
Pusher is not defined! Laravel 5.4 with Laravel Echo

I don't know what is wrong with my codes Here's my app.js /** * First we will load all of this …

vuejs2 laravel-5.4 pusher
Laravel: Making a Real Time Application using Angular

I am starting to work with angular and am fascinated by the bi-directional data-binding capabilities and by its $http method, …

angularjs laravel firebase pusher pubnub
Pusher - Private channel subscription

I have a code with subscribe private channels, and when I try make a subscription I have the next message: …

javascript php pusher